You may here people telling you that Sage do not sell Sage 300 anymore or it is end-of-life. Well I'm here to tell you that it is very much not the case. Oakuity are installing version 2024 into customer sites currently and we will be releasing a "what's new in 2024" video soon to outline the updates made in this release. What is true, is that Sage UK no longer sell the product through the UK, but as a worldwide solution it is still being developed and supported throughout the world. The community is as big as ever and information is available all over the internet regarding the latest versions.
We actively work with organisations to become your long term partner in ERP for training, support, hosting and development.
Discover Oakuity and find your Sage 300 Business Partner today!
Regardless of your sector we work with organisations to deliver a fully integrated accounting software solution. Having worked with organisations of all sizes and the majority of sectors, we have gained experience into how to deliver a successful ERP implementation.
It depends most importantly on a continued commitment from both parties, we provide a dedicated consultant to work with your business, but we also require your business to deliver to timescales in order to reach key milestones throughout the project.
As of 1st September Oakuity is moving to bigger premises. Not that we are moving that door in fact.
So instead of 5 B…