Sage 300 Optional
With over 500 optional modules to choose from, we have listed a handful of the most popular ones among our existing customer base.
Developed by our Oakley Software team this is a popular module among our existing customer base for automating the process of submitting VAT returns to the HMRC. The current version is recognised by HMRC and listed on their website of software suppliers. Making Tax Digital (MTD) will be a requirement in April 2019 and 300MTD complies with the new requirements.
Another module developed by Oakley Software that simplifies the task of importing daily, weekly, monthly exchange rates for use with reporting in Sage 300
An enhancement and not to be confused with the Intercompany module in Sage 300. This module is the ultimate resource for transacting between multiple entities.
Award-winning document distribution and Data Capture solutions to assist with the paperless office and reducing the need for paper storage. Also known to bring in a significant ROI depending on your business processes.
Norming Fixed Assets is one of the leading asset management tools available.
IMan is a powerful data integration tool that our software teamwork with on a number of projects to connect your existing applications and enhance integrations with Sage 300. Get in touch if you have a process you want to integrate with your Sage 300 solution.
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) streamlines payment and collection processes and tightens control over bank transfers.
Audit Logger for Sage 300 is an auditing tool that monitors all user actions, security alterations and data changes performed against each specific task, field or system view.
If you would like to find out more about any of the listed modules or have a need for some additional functionality with Sage 300, get in touch today and we will be happy to send over brochures and arrange demos as and when required!